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Required Bot Permissions

The EasyPoll bot needs a few permissions to work completely and without problems.
In the normal case, all required permissions are automatically assigned to the EasyPoll role when the bot is invited.
In some cases, the inviter removes some required permissions, which causes the bot to stop working properly.

Required permissions

PermissionsRequiredFor what?
Send MessagesTo send poll and help messages
Send Messages in ThreadsTo send poll and help messages in Threads
Read Messages/View ChannelsTo read and receive poll messages
Read Message HistoryTo receive old polls and to be able to close them
Manage MessagesTo manage and remove poll reactions
Embed LinksTo send and update poll message embeds
Add ReactionsTo initialize the possible answer reactions
Use External EmojisTo use custom emojis, even from other servers
Mention @everyone, @here, and All RolesTo mention roles and users in poll messages
Create Public ThreadsTo create threads for polls
Manage ThreadsTo manage/close threads for polls
Attach FilesTo send poll result exports and event logging directly as a file
Manage WebhooksTo setup webhooks for a event logging channel

How do I check if the bot has all permissions?

We have added a command that allows you to check all the required permissions of the bot at both server and channel level.
The command for this is /setup permissions.


How do I set permissions at the channel level?

It is important that the required bot permissions are not overridden at the channel level.
If the bot does not have channel level permissions (because you are overriding it with the @everyone role, for example), you can set the permissions at channel level as follows:

  1. Go to the Channel Settings
  1. Go to Permissions
  1. Add EasyPoll
  1. Select all required permissions and click save changes

What happens if the bot does not have all required permissions?

EasyPoll will try to work as good as possible. However, there will be errors, for example:

  • Polls will not update with the result when closed and will not show as closed, or
  • EasyPoll will not add the necessary reactions to the poll, or
  • EasyPoll cannot check for multiple answers and remove the reaction from the user if needed, or
  • EasyPoll will not display any poll message at all